Ghazi Ben Ahmed, BOard member

Ghazi Ben Ahmed is leading the Mediterranean Development Initiative (MDI), a Tunisia based independent Think Tank established in 2013 to foster the private sector in the framework of deeper economic relations with the EU, Africa free trade agreement and the new Silk Road. Previously he was the Lead Trade Expert in the African Development Bank (AfDB) in charge of the Bank response to the financial crisis in coordination with the G20, the WTO and the World Bank. Before joining the AfDB, he worked at UNCTAD, as Senior Advisor, providing support to African trade negotiators in multilateral trade negotiations and regional trading arrangements. He has also worked for almost 10 years in the European Commission in Brussels, in several Directorates-Generals: Trade, EuropeAid and External Relations, responsible for trade issues, EU trade and development policy, textile negotiations, macroeconomic analysis, structural adjustment and institutional building in the Mediterranean countries. He was also responsible for the task force on market access and non-tariff barriers and the High-Level Dialogue between the EU and China. He holds a PhD Economics, Université Montpellier 1, France.